
Say what you mean - live what you say.


My daughter and son-in-law brought the grand-kids for a fall visit this weekend. So we had a great weekend of pumpkin carving, pumpkin patches, and an exotic petting zoo (can you believe camels and Giraffes - not to mention a visit by the friendly neighborhood gorilla). The picture above (by my daughter Christy) is from their Camel ride. It is amazing how fast they grow at this age (Ella is 6 and Julian just shy of 2). Ella is already accumulating a great store of memories, and is often heard saying “Mommy – do you remember when we…” I hope we added a few memories this weekend.
It got me to thinking about the whole writing process. Memories are the treasure chest that we all draw on for the creative process. Sometimes it is an entire story – sometimes just an image or emotion. But whether in part, or wholesale, the memory establishes the foundation of the creative piece in truth. In the end it is what resonates in the mind of the listener/viewer. It is what calls forth the magic.
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