
Say what you mean - live what you say.

Winter Promises - the Game

Some of you may not know about my other "hobby". While my son Jon was alive, we shared an interest in the game NeverWinterNights. He had always tried to get me interested in computer games, but until this game he had little success. NevewinterNights was different - it was worth playing just for the graphics. The game comes with a toolset, and you can create your own adventure. It was something we were always going to do, but never got around to - then Jon was gone. I took it upon myself to complete our dream, and using a short story he had written, completed the first installment which was called "The Price of Honor". Currently, I am working on the sequel - "Winter Promises" which uses my song of the same name as the theme music. When completed (I'm guessing December 2011) it will also feature other original music.

I have a blog dedicated to the development of the module (referred to as "mod" by gamers). You can find the blog here.

I have also added a "photo album" to this site, with a few Calico and personal photos. Eventually, I will get to a page for video, but I am still experimenting with various formats.

Have been home today with my lovely wife who had outpatient surgery yesterday. She is doing well, and resting. Thanks to all who have called and texted to check up on how she was doing!!
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