
Say what you mean - live what you say.

Thinking of Warmer Days

Sorry about the lag in updates recently. Have been caught up in post holiday madness - getting caught up at work. It has been bitter cold this week. 10 degrees below zero! While not as bad as the folks in International Falls Minnesota (setting a new record at 40 something below), it was still daunting. So I thought I would post the above photo harking back to those days of summer festivals. Just looking at it makes me feel warmer!

Been working on a new song - mostly in my head at this time. I won't go to the guitar until it is a bit better formulated. Have the idea down solid, most of the chorus and first verse. Once I can nail the rest of the chorus (actually just one line I am not happy with), then the rest should flow quickly. Sometimes when the image is so strong, I really wrestle with things to get them into focus song-wise. When that happens, it is best not to push too hard - just let it happen so to speak.

Can't let this entry go by without mentioning "Da Bears"! Tomorrow is the big game to see who goes to the SuperBowl. We are having a few friends and family over to watch the game and have a few drinks. It is amazing how many Packer fans there are in this neck of the woods.

As for me - I say "Go Bears"!