
Say what you mean - live what you say.

Vacation Finally


Well almost - actually we leave for Hilton Head early Friday morning. Piles of work to get done between now and then. I'm really looking forward to this year, as we will have most, if not all of the family there again. I'm looking forward to lots of laughs, sun, reading, the odd cocktail, and of course chasing the little white ball around alligator infested ponds. Oh - and then there is the people watching. Great pastime. One of our friends is house-sitting and taking care of Sasha and Punky.

One of our agencies new friends is dropping off a list of local (native) eateries (as opposed to tourist spots). She lived there up until a few years ago, and is actually heading there for a vacation a week after we get back. Small world.

As you can see, the move to the new domain went well - thanks to the helpful folks at Bluehost. I will be adding their site to my links page in case you are looking for a host. Also I hope to move my wife's site this week also.


This will be me about sunset Saturday!