
Say what you mean - live what you say.

Sad News

Yesterday I received the news that a friend had died. They found him in his back yard. He had been there for a few days. It broke my heart to hear the details, such as they were. Apparently he had been living alone in his house, without heat, water, or electricity for a while. A condition not all that uncommon in these trying times.

My fondest memories of Woody are all from when I first met him - back when we both were young men. I remember best his zest for life - and his fervent belief that anything was possible. And for him - at least during that time - it seemed that anything was possible. I know that he always had the best "toys". He had stuff the rest of us only dreamed of - tape recorders, sound gear,cameras, and great cars. Woody was a real "Jack of all trades" - and a master of quite a few. Not that he didn't have his demons, and it may have been those demons that contributed to his end. We will never know. What we do know is that we have lost a friend. Tonight I will sip a few fingers of Scotch and remember the good times.

R.I.P. Woody
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