
Say what you mean - live what you say


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Just realized how long it has been since I had a blog entry - over two years! Well, better late than never. A lot has happened in those two years. Lost Job, wife lost job (long story), opened new business - you get the picture. The stress level at the old job had been unbelievable for several years, and definitely detrimental to both my health and my spirit. So I decided to take a break for a while to try and get things back on track. Easier said than done. The source of the old stress is gone,but there are, of course, new stressors. Like worrying about money. Or trying to figure out just what it was that I wanted to do. Fortunately, one of my co-workers and I had long been talking about opening up our own business. So we sat down with a handy dandy spreadsheet, put together a business model, and then tried to figure out if we could really pull it off. Turns out that at least on paper it looked feasible. So, with the help of a few good friend and relatives we did just that.

The new business is "Phoenix Family Center, LLC". We are a community counseling center providing services to families and individuals in the Fox River valley area of Illinois. You can check us out at:
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