
Say what you mean - live what you say

"With a Little Help from my Friends"

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Many of you know that in my "day job" I am the Executive Director of The Larkin Center. While times are tough all over - they are particularly difficult for Child Welfare agencies such as Larkin. As the state (Illinois) struggles to pay its bills, it seems as if the most vulnerable have to stand last in line. As of this writing, the state owes us hundreds of thousands of dollars, and everything we have struggled to build over the last 115 years is at risk. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated. We are a 501c3 not for profit, and all donations are tax deductible. Please check us out at our website: and make a donation. No amount is to small (or too large Happy ) With a little help from our friends we can keep pursuing our mission - "Teaching Skills, Changing Lives".