
Say what you mean - live what you say



"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding a deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." Dr. Martin Luther King said that.

I am sickened by all the senseless death that our nation is currently experiencing. We need to stop. I am reminded of a comedy piece by Bob Newhart where he is a therapist working with a troubled client. His advice is simple and of course funny, but pertinent just the same: "Stop it!"

I know its never that simple but I want to scream it out just the same. STOP!!!

Hair pullin' Proves Productive!

Angry hair pullerafter a little Hair pulling - well ok a lot of hair pulling, I finally got the new look for the website finished. Had 2 major problems - first was getting the video to work properly. That was due to outdated documentation for the software add-on I use. After a fantastic experience with customer support at Joe Workman, I sorted it all out. Once you get it, its really very straight forward and simple. Last problem was with a picture I wanted to use on the home page. After hours of trial and error, I finally tracked the problem down to a weirdly corrupted jpeg. Anyway - here we are. I hope you like the new look. In the coming weeks, I will post a few more videos, and also some new music.