
Say what you mean - live what you say

Bruce does it again!

The other day I received the email notice that the new "Dwende - Princess of the Wood" guitar had been finished. This is Bruce and Matt's 400th guitar. Words really do not do this incredible instrument justice. And what a concept. In addition to the guitar there is a wonderful short story by Nate Todd that spins out the legend of "The last Dwende Tree" - complete with Illustrations by David Van Delinder. Oh yes - there is "also" a fantastic song based on the legend by Nate and David - sung by Zachary Harris. You will find yourself carrying the tune around in your head - very sweet and haunting.You have to visit the site to really appreciate it all.

I was talking to David, saying how much I enjoyed the whole concept, when he mentioned that he happened to still have the Dwende used in the recording. So I was able to see and briefly play (EVER so carefully) the Dwende. Bruce has outdone himself this time. The instrument is light as a feather, and has this incredibly full and brilliant voice. Made me believe in the legend. I always thought there was something elvish about my favorite luthier. Visit the site HERE and see if you don't find yourself believing too!