
Say what you mean - live what you say

Blast from the Past

Hogans Goat promo shot

Last week I received this circa '70s promo picture from Eddie Dietrich. Eddie was the fantastic bass player for our group "Hogan's Goat". He's on the left - That's Steve Meyers (Now Merryweather) in the center, and yours truly on the right. This is the picture we used when we were playing at The Earl of Old Town in Chicago. We opened for Bryan Bowers. It was a fantastic week as the Earl was the premier folk venue in Chicago. It was also the week the band broke up. Eddie and Steve went their way and formed a new group (can't remember the name) and I called a friend David VanDelinder. That was the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration with David. At the time I was not a happy camper - but looking back, it was the best thing (Musically) that has ever happened. You never know…