
Say what you mean - live what you say


It's early on a sunny Halloween morning here in Genoa, Illinois. I thought it appropriate to upload something scary - so here we go. I am experimenting with various ways to put movies on the site. It seems there are a lot of different ways to do this - each with various advantages or disadvantages. Eventually, I will have a separate page dedicated to movies, but for now I have opted to just include a link in my blog text (I'll get to that in a moment).

It has been a week since we all visited the Gobert Pumpkin Patch in Schaumburg Illinois. My duty as grandfather was to video the event for posterity. I have a terrible reputation with my daughter for tardiness in these things - last time It took me several years to actually complete the project. So just to demonstrate that there are times when a leopard CAN change his spots a little, I have created a "theatrical trailer" called "The Haunted Pumpkin Patch". Just click on the title and it will take you to my MobileMe gallery where it currently resides in "tiny", "small" and "medium" formats. The formats relate to your download speed. You can both view and download the trailer. Creating this gave me a great chance to play with some of the bells and whistles in the newest version of Imovie - which by the way I HIGHLY recommend. I may create a few more "trailers" - just because it's so much fun - but also to tease Christy (my daughter) a little.

Happy Halloween everyone!
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