
Say what you mean - live what you say

Indian Summer

I should have known.
Start talking about Fall and approaching Winter, and what happens – here in Illinois we find ourselves smack in the midst of a glorious Indian Summer. This past weekend, I went to Cleveland for a wedding, and there too the weather was wonderful. I moved to Cleveland as a teenager, so being there again brought back lots of memories. Cleveland is also where my two children, Jon and Christy grew up – so they were also very much in my thoughts.

My daughter has grown into such a wonderful woman. She manages to balance work (she is a para-legal in a law firm in Atlanta), family and a budding career in photography with such finesse that it makes me proud every time I think of her and her family. The photo above is of me and my grand daughter Ella in what I like to think of as Ella’s first guitar lesson. Ella definitely has the music gene. My not-so-secret dream is that she grows up to follow the muse in one way or another.
I have also uploaded a song, “Indian Summer “,(from the Calico cd "Road to the Heart" - written by David and myself), just to complete the image. This song is a great example of collaboration. David had a tune running around in his head. He sketched it out for me on the guitar. Then we sat down in front of the fire, with a little cognac and within a half hour or so we had the song.
We have one last song to "tweak", then "Road to the heart" is off to CDbaby and Itunes. Check "Indian Summer" out in the music section.
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