
Say what you mean - live what you say

"God Bless Us Everyone"

Its December 20th, and outside a gentle snow is falling. Thought I would take a few minutes before all the last minute craziness sets in and wish everyone the very merriest of Christmases. I drew the illustration above over 30 years ago after watching "Scrooge" (the musical). Everyone has their favorite version of this holiday classic, and this one is mine. Right now I have a batch of cookies in the oven, and Christmas carols playing in the background. Great smells - great sounds. Go ahead - tell me I'm a sap. Tell me all thats wrong about Christmas. It won't shake me a bit. This has always been my favorite time of year. I've had my share of disappointments, failed Christmas wishes and Christmases spent alone. But I am and always will be a true believer. This day is about the greatest gift ever given - the greatest love. Everything else pales in comparison.
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